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A Typical Day in Nurture Infant House Tampines

Writer's picture: Nurture Infant House TampinesNurture Infant House Tampines

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we expose our infants to stories, flash cards and music to pique their curiosity and interest about the world around them. Younger infants (2-12 months) learn and explore through simpler activities, while older infants (12-18 months) are more physically involved as they begin learning how to crawl, stand and climb.

Kids at play at Nurture Infant House Tampines

A typical schedule at our centre from 7am to 7pm would consist of meals, routine care (eg. bathing, changing of diapers) and learning.

A video speaks a thousand words. Do check out and subscribe to our Youtube channel for more interesting videos about our infant care and childcare centres.

At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we believe that infants and toddlers learn best through exploring the environment using their senses. Thus, our curriculum centers around sensory-motor development, language and cognitive growth, creative stimulation through senses, and social and emotional connection.

A sample timetable, (actual one may vary):

Morning Afternoon Evening

Breakfast Lunch Song and rhyme

Shower Story time Storytelling

Nap Nap Flash cards

Sensory motor activities Tea break Indoor play Home sweet home

In this article, we will talk more about the sensory motor activities and equipment that we have prepared for your precious little children!

Tummy time

At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we believe that having tummy time on a blanket/mat is an important part of the baby’s routine. Tummy time can begin once the baby is can hold his head up consistently, which usually happens between twelve and sixteen weeks. Tummy time is crucial, as it helps to prevent plagiocephaly, which is the medical term for the flattening of the baby’s head.

Plagiocephaly results from the baby spending too much time with the back of his head resting on the mattress. Other conditions that can result include delays in strengthening of the neck and leg muscles necessary for lifting the head, rolling over and crawling, as well as delays in fine motor skills. At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we believe that tummy time is a preventive counter measure to correct the deficiency of lying on the baby’s back sleeping arrangement.

An ideal time to have tummy time is shortly after feeding, while he is alert and happy, but not before a nap, when he is tired and may fall asleep. Another suggested time is after the baby’s nap time.

The caregiver or parent can lay the baby on a blanket or in his playpen. One of the baby’s favourite places to have tummy time is on mummy or daddy’s chest. As a parent, you can gently move your baby’s arms while talking to him and smiling at him. While you are engaging your baby, he is responding by lifting his head and looking at you.

Tummy time is a waketime activity you can easily plan into your baby’s routine. In fact, it is something you must plan for the welfare of your baby. Most pediatricians recommend 30 cumulative minutes (or longer) or tummy time each day.


All babies are born extremely nearsighted, which means they have difficulty focusing on objects at a distance. That picture hanging on the wall 2 metres away is quite blurry to your newborn. As each week passes, your baby’s eyesight gradually improves and normally becomes 20/20 by the time he is two. You may want to wait three or four months before adding bright colourful pictures to the nursery décor.

At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we have placed many colourful drawings, educational word charts and diagrams to stimulate our precious little ones. Do check out our facebook for more pictures.

Besides pictures, musical mobiles also help a baby learn to track with his eyes. A baby can usually focus his eyes about three to four months after birth. At Nurture Infant House Tampines, we use infant seats with a musical mobile to develop the baby’s hand-eye coordination.

When the baby reaches out to the mobile, this action is known as “batting”. Batting is the necessary preparation for a baby to reach out and hold objects in his hands.


By six weeks, a baby can benefit by spending some waketime in a bouncy seat placed inside the playpen in view of a mobile. As your baby grows and begins to roll over, the playpen will serve as a safe place for waketime activities, especially when mommy or daddy are busy around the home with other children or tasks. The playpen offers a variety of benefits. Most importantly, it is perfect for setting up a structured learning center in the second half of a baby’s first year.

The well-designed spaces in our centre coupled with our passionate educarers are sure to provide your infant with a comfortable and safe environment to learn and grow in. When your child actively engages in the various activities that we have prepared for them, they will be able to grow and develop holistically!

Nurture Infant House (Tampines)

At Nurture Infant House, our passion is to love and care for each infant and to provide a safe and interactive environment for infants to learn and grow in body and in mind independently. If you are looking for infant care in Tampines or in East, do visit Nurture Infant House. We have over 30 years of experience in nurturing thousands of infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

If you are looking for a preschool for toddlers and older children in Tampines or in East, do visit Genesis Childcare 1989.

Feel free to book an appointment through WhatsApp. You can visit us at the following venues:

Nurture Infant House (Tampines) (2 to 18 months Infants)

Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-61 Singapore 520433

Tel: 96664141

Genesis Childcare 1989 (Tampines)

Blk 433 Tampines Street 43 #01-63/65 Singapore 520433 Tel: 96664141


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